Join me as I explore Sacred Beauty Rituals, Play, and curiously learn how to be more of "ME" - polishing the "PEARL" that I am along the way!
Personal Sessions
Soothe Your soul ~ Be Your Beauty
Online or In Person Sessions
Interested in a Session?
Get in touch to learn more, and set up a complimentary inquiry call.
I will follow up within 72 hours ~ Emma
My Marketing
I am not here to Sell ...I am here to share
I have been given very clear guidance about how my work is to be offered during this time of non-authentic power structures built on over production, proving worth and mastery through patriarchal achievement constructs, and a model of pernicious forced selling through the time-for-money model. I do NOT market, nor have a social media presence. I do NOT work from a box of defined credentials, skills or techniques, or have a fixed fee structure. I offer all that I am from all levels of being, human to spirit, shamanic and angelic, and from multi-dimensional experiences learned and mastered through this life-time and all passed lived times. Together, we define the session structure that is supportive of your soul's highest needs at the time. Uniquely yours, defined by you, NOT by a marketing agenda.